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Here is an article that explains why you can’t download data from JSON’s API URL interface in Python:

Title: You can’t get JSON Binance API information: a guide to understanding API restrictions and deviation


As a programmer, getting the necessary information is one of the most exciting aspects of project work. However, when it comes to API interfaces, such as API Binance, understanding its limitations can be difficult. In this article, we will investigate why Binance’s API data download with JSON may not execute and ensure deviation.

Why can’t I get information from the JSON URL API?

The Binance API is a Restful API that provides access to various financial market data, including cryptocurrency prices. After sending the GET request to a specific URL using the “Requests” library in Python, it sends the HTTP request to the server and receives the answer. The answer is contained in the desired data, but JSON (JavaScript object notation) is not generally used with rest interfaces of the API.

The main problem is that the Binance API interface does not use JSON by default. Instead, it returns the data as a regular text in the form of a string. This is due to the fact that API’s Restful interfaces usually do not need to support JSON for its internal data exchange; Instead, they provide a simple and convenient way to access their resources.

Why is my URL working with JSON?

Ethereum: Can't get the information from a URL api working with json?

After sending a GET request to https: //, the server corresponds to the usual text sequence containing a list of 24 -hour price tickets. This string is not formatted in a way that can be easily analyzed in the dictionary or python item.

Here is how the answer can be:




"Symbol": "BTC/EUR",

"Last Syntrice": "40025",

"High": "4,0065",

"Low": "3,9930",

"Open": "40011",

"Close": "4,0032"



"Symbol": "ETH/USD",

"Last Alcorice": "40027"



This answer does not include a JSON object, but a list of dictionaries that contain the desired data.


If you want to download JSON Binance API interface data, here are some deviations:



Import requests

Binance = Requests.get (" JSON = True)

This will return the Json object containing the Ticker list.

  • Use the “Data” attribute : You can also access the answers using the “Data” attribute:


Import requests

Binance = Requests.get ("

Print (binance.json ())

This will print the JSON object that contains the desired data.



Import requests

Z Requests_Json_Parser Import PARSE_JSON_PRESSPONSE

Binance = Requests.get ("

parsed_data = parse_json_pressponse (binance.text)

Print (parsed_data)

These circumstances may have restrictions or require additional configuration, but they can help overcome the problem of downloading JSON URL API data.


To summarize, the Binance API interface does not use JSON by default, and its reaction format is a simple text. To download API interface data using Python, you need to specify the “JSON` parameter or access the answer given using other methods, such as JSON analyzing or loading pythona. Although this may require additional configuration or use of the library, these deviations may be They can help overcome typical problems while working with API interfaces that can’t stand JSON after removing from the box.

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